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The Right Pressure


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For your Reflexology Treatment, these methods are available to try: -

- Traditional Reflexology

- Vertical Reflex Technique

- Facial Reflexology (Ziggie Bergman's award winning method attracts international celebrity interest!)

- Maternity Reflexology

You may also find it helpful to read some of my Client Feedback. It's located on the 'News' page; discover how my clients experience their reflexology treatments with me

Following a reflexology treatment, or course of treatments, clients report improvements' that include: feeling more optimistic and energised, less out of balance within themselves, experience reduced anxiety and improved sense of calm, reduced brain fog, better focus, sinuses clear, sleep patterns improve, minor aches and pains reduce and in some instances disappear. Studies have also become interested in the cumulative effects of Reflexology, where positive feedback has shown that a sequence of sessions has very good benefits for wellbeing. 

If you are already engaged with holistic medicine, you'll know how transformative sessions can be. A holistic journey can help to discover where experiences in both your formative and recent years may have set up habits, blocks, and somatic conditions within the body. Often clients know that what they present to the world is at odds to what they sense to be the hidden truth of themselves. The therapist works in harmony with your body, to encourage resolution and release of unwanted feelings, so often that were not of your control, empowering you with understanding of the possible internal somatic connections, where and how they may be subtly influencing the balance of the body's communication systems. In gradually improving levels of energy and clarity, restoring balance, the sense of release can transform your perspective about yourself and your environment.


45 minutes - allow 1 hour

Facial Reflex Logo - Bergman Method

* Availability for facial Reflexology only.

Feel as if you've spent a day at the Spa, or a weekend away relaxing!

You might like to add on 20 minutes of facial reflexology when booking traditional reflexology

50 minutes - allow 1 hour

In the days following, experience a calm feeling, and improved clarity


75 minutes - allow 90 minutes - Extended / Combo treatments

75 minutes of Traditional, Facial, Maternity Reflexology

20 minutes Facial Reflexology with 55 minutes Traditional or Maternity Reflexology

Why Reflexology? 

In fight / flight mode, the Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) works to put the body into high alert, when the danger, stress, or trauma has passed, the Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS) then returns the body to a resting state. In our hectic working lives, stressors and triggers mean that the body may find it difficult to switch off from high alert.  Reflexology's primary action is understood to be on the Autonomous Nervous System, particularly working with the PNS in encouraging the body to relax, and rebalance. Many clients say they feel more energised from regular treatments

What is Reflexology

Reflexology follows the same principles as acupressure and acupuncture in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Applying gentle pressure to reflex points on the feet, hands, or face, it is believed to subtly influence the body's ability to deeply relax and restore balance. Research has become interested in the cumulative effects of reflexology; where a course of frequent treatments seem to have a longer lasting effect. This has also been shown with practices such as mindfulness.

Please be aware that my comments are based on anecdotal feedback; everyone can have a different reaction, and each treatment takes its own experience. It seems consistent that, through my reflexology treatment and its impact on the central nervous system, the body is, in some way, encouraged to release/resolve emotions that are not, and were not, necessary for the body and mind.

Please find links to questions in the "About your Reflexology Practitioner" section below

Pricing is available on the "bookings" page

The Right Pressure

Treatment Locations:-


Blue Flower Front
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Tuesdays       11:00 am - 05:00 pm

Wednesday  11:00 am - 05:00 pm  - please contact me direct to arrange

Nearest National Rail Stations - 


Monday 11:00 pm - 07:00 pm - please contact me direct to arrange

Archway / Highgate Tubes, North London


Alternate week availability

Please contact me if you would like to discuss treatments in this area

You can find links to questions & prices in the "About" section below

Please click here to  complete the form on the Contact page 


About Nikki Bridgman MAR

The Right Pressure

About your Reflexology Practitioner


A qualified Reflexology Practitioner: trained in ITEC (VTCT) Diploma in Reflexology, Advanced Facial Reflexology For Stress Release (Bergman Method), VRT (Vertical Reflexology Techniques) for movement, Maternity Reflexology

Nikki is a full member of AOR (Association of Reflexologists), the CThA (Complementary Therapists Association) and is registered with CNHC (Complementary and National Healthcare Council); set up with the UK Government to maintain standards in Complementary and Alternative Medicine Wellness Professions

Able to work with clients at a deeply intuitive, nurturing, and highly empathetic level during treatment to help you better understand 'you' and the factors that may be impacting your body and mind, and your body's ability to process and release stress, be it mental, emotional, physical, spiritual.

The areas for which Nikki is a passionate advocate of reflexology and how it may benefit the body are: - 

  • Movement & balance - for mobility, mobility issues, performers, sports professionals

  • Pre and Post Op - knee, hip, shoulder and arm, heart operations

  • Mind & Heart - stress relief, focus, clarity, anxiety, grief and trauma

  • How the Body Communicates - neural, circulation, hormones, organs, fertility, emotions

  • The Spine & Nerves - stored memory, inherited DNA, ancestral influence

Through our inherited DNA, through our emotional development from childhood and beyond, stress, emotional discord and trauma all impact the body's systems, even at a very subtle level. The effects of which influence the mind and heart and our response to, and management of, life's circumstances and events. The impression of trauma, especially where we felt unsupported, stay in the body (somatic), and Nikki's way of working can help you in gentle release of these.

Included below are answers to questions that you may have. However, if you'd like further information, or would like to talk something else through, please let me know via the contact form

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FAQ's, Contra-Indications, Contra-Actions

© 2018 Nikki (NB) at The Right Pressure

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